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Cultural Exhibits

Spartanburg's Freedom Flag

The Titusville (PA) Herald, May 10, 1922.


The negroes naturally considered the soldiers their friends and Captain Crossman and the men under his command received many favors from the colored people. Among frequent visitors to the soldiers’ headquarters at the courthouse was a negro Baptist minister, the name of whom Captain Crossman has forgotten. The colored preacher was profuse in his kindness to the Union soldiers and as a tribute to them had his wife make the American flag which Captain Crossman exhibited at the Herald office yesterday.

Mr. Crossman very interestingly described the excitement occasioned in Spartanburg when it was announced that the Union soldiers were to carry the flag on a short march to a picnic ground where the negroes of the vicinity were to serve a chicken dinner to the solider boys. The town councilmen told Captain Crossman that there would be trouble if the flag was carried by a negro but Captain Crossman informed the South Carolinians that the American flag was safe to be carried anywhere in the United States and this seemed to suffice, although a large number of whites gathered around the courthouse on the day of the parade and dinner, but no demonstration was made.

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September 23rd, 1865

We have been quit[e] busy this week making molasses, pulling fodder, and hauling sugar cane, etc. A few days ago the weather turned suddenly cold and had much the appearance of fall weather, but now it is warm again. We are getting on slowly with our fodder, scarcely half done yet. The negroes had a jubilee yesterday at the village. The yankeys and the negroes going hand in hand. They hoisted the United States flag. The Yankey yoke is in our teeth.

Slave Ship Cultural Exhibit

Quilt Replicas

Replicas of quilts used during the underground railroad to help conductors on the way to freedom

Henry's Freedom Box

View some of the current items that are on display at the Slave Ship Cultural Exhibit!

Slave Ship

View some of the current items that are on display at the Slave Ship Cultural Exhibit!

Slave Brick

View some of the current items that are on display at the Slave Ship Cultural Exhibit!

otable Figures In Black History

View some of the current items that are on display at the Slave Ship Cultural Exhibit!

GoUpstate Article

View the GoUpstate Article that discusses the History Museum that traces the slaves' voyage.

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