2017 Spartanburg Juneteenth Celebration

Spartanburg Juneteenth Inc.'s mission is to educate the Spartanburg community about African American history primarily through an annual Juneteenth celebration.

Spartanburg Juneteenth Rib Cook-Off 2017
City of Spartanburg Organizations With Logos
Team – RibsTotalAppearanceAromaTasteTendernessOverall
Ultimate Tailgater BBQ15.76672.7501.8334.6674.7001.817
The Saucy Pig BBQ15.58572.7791.7934.6644.6001.750
Carolina DrumLine BBQ15.41672.6171.8174.5174.7001.767
RazorBack BBQ15.40002.6861.7744.6294.6291.743
Pimp My Pig15.35712.7641.8364.5574.5071.693

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